The CFTC Report- Euro Expands its Net Short Position

The latest report by Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) covering data up to the 20th of May showed that investor’s bias is moving at the same direction like in previous week. The Euro has entered well into bearish bias side with the net position remaining negative against the US dollar. At the same time the Japanese Yen negative bias reduced with the weekly change standing at $1.27 billion. The net position on the Japanese Yen continues to be the largest negative at minus $6.64 billion. Moreover, the British pound had a positive weekly change of $0.14 billion refreshing its bullish bias to $3.48 billion.

Furthermore, the Euro transformation to bearish net position is an indication that increases validation of recent trend reversal. Mounting expectations of ECB rate cut next month increases bearish potential in the Euro. The single currency net position stands now at minus $1.57 billion and the weekly change was a negative $1.20 billion. Moreover, Japanese Yen decreased substantially its net short position to a new low since November 2012.

The Canadian net short position declined slightly that week, with the net short position placing now at $2.43 billion. Lastly, bullish bias toward the Australian dollar strengthened. Thus we recognize some increase in demand for commodity currencies.